Counselling & Therapy Autism Adults & Children Perth Western Australia
Happy Peeps Adult & Child Counsellor & Therapist Perth provides support to adults and children with Autism to help them cope with daily functioning.
Many autistic people see it beneficial to go to counselling. Counselling can assist you with things like coping procedures, relaxation techniques and relationship problems.
What Autism counselling includes
Counselling means going to talk with someone at an agreed point and place, usually once a week. However, it may be increased or less frequently depending on your requirements. The sessions typically last from 50 minutes to an hour. What you and the counsellor speak about will depend on what problems you want to address and on the strategies that the counsellor is qualified in.
Happy Peeps Autism Counselling Services Perth
Happy Peeps Counselling gives counselling therapy for autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Our highly qualified and experienced services can help people of all ages enhance their mental health and quality of life.
What is autism?
Autism is a developmental situation, which generally lasts a lifetime. Much regarding autism is still unexplained, but it is thought to have neurological and/or genetic origins.
People with autism often cope with social interaction, conversation skills, and perception and processing of emotions, which leads to behavioural problems. Many of those with autism have various learning needs as they may have trouble paying concentration for periods.
Autism is part of the class of conditions identified as autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which also covers Asperger’s syndrome and pervasive development disorder. About 1 in 100 people are diagnosed with ASD, and boys are 4 times further likely to exhibit autism than girls.
Signs and symptoms of autism in children
The symptoms of autism and ASD may be challenging to distinguish, as no 2 children with the condition are precisely the same. Nevertheless, a person with autism will ordinarily have social intercommunication and communication issues and favour restricted and repetitive behaviour.
Signs of autism in children incorporate:
- being slow to acquire language skills
- learning obstacles
- favouring to play by themselves in repeated activities
- hand flapping, stimming, toe walking, and also hand-biting
- an attraction or obsession with favourite things and topics
- a distaste for change, resulting in anxiety, tension or stress
- displaying emotions in tantrums
- an over-sensitivity to everyday sounds, smells, tastes, textures etc. (such as hairdryers, vacuum cleaners and, dirt and sand).
Treatment for autism
Unfortunately, there is no recognised cure for autism; nevertheless, with treatment, a person’s quality of life can be enhanced. Suppose autism is identified early on and managed with behavioural and cognitive therapy. In that case, a person can live a higher ‘normal’ and enjoyable life and learn to have confident social interactions.
Cognitive and behavioural therapy benefits those with autism to acquire skills and strategies to cope with daily life and their emotions.
Counselling People with Autism Spectrum Disorders – Methods and Benefits
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), including Asperger’s Syndrome, are understood to have repetitive behaviours or interests and struggle with communication and social communication.
As the term spectrum implies, the consequence of these difficulties ranges broadly between individuals. The predominance of people with ASD is rising. While there has been a focus on strengthening people’s behaviour, there is less focus on promoting people’s emotional needs that could eventually negatively impact their mental health.
We will explore three fields that could benefit from various counselling approaches and strategies.
Depression and Anxiety
Depression and Anxiety can be expected for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders. If left untreated, these statuses can influence relationships, employment opportunities and point to rising social isolation. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, or CBT, has helped treat both depression and anxiety.
Through adjusted CBT techniques, with visuals, pictures and diagrams, clients can be helped to understand how their thoughts communicate with their feelings and influence their actions or behaviour.
Negative thought patterns can be tested, encouraging the client to produce more healthy and realistic thoughts, an enhanced feeling of wellbeing and decreased escalation in unhelpful or problematic activities.
Social Skills Development
Linking and socialising with others is vital to form relationships, find a job and ordinarily get on in society. For individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, there can be a lack of perception of social cues and norms, leading to misinterpretations, social separation and alienation from others.
Social skill education can assist and be facilitated on an individualised basis or in small groups to give partakers chances to practice with others. Social Stories are also beneficial in highlighting specific scenarios or circumstances, explaining what the expectations are in those situations, and giving the person appropriate responses.
Emotional Regulation and Expression
People with autism can have trouble controlling and expressing emotions and also have difficulty understanding the feelings of others. This can lead to confusion and misinterpretations, even aggressiveness, which can negatively influence families, education, career and relationships.
Support can be given by using visual, emotional scales, giving the person a picture of how various emotions are shown through facial expressions, through voice, explain where the emotion is felt in the body and give possible scripts for what the person can say and do when they feel this way or see someone else might be thinking that way.
Emotional comprehension can also be promoted through Comic Strip Conversations that assist the person with autism to understand what people think, say and mean in discussions by utilising visuals and symbols.
Can Counselling help autism?
Numerous autistic people see it beneficial to go to counselling. Counselling can assist you with things like coping strategies, relaxation techniques and relationship problems.
What is the best therapy for autism for adults and children?
The best therapy for children with autism is evidence based practice that uses a play and strength based practice that provides the child a safe place to express their own interests and develop the depths of their areas of interest. The therapy teaches positive play skills and the child learns to interact and communicate and express their own emotions. The child will continue to learn about self-care, having a voice and developing social living skills and abilities to express themselves to reduce problematical behaviours.
How do you counsel a child with autism?
- Provide arrangement and safety.
- Be consistent.
- Adhere to a schedule or program.
- Reward good behaviour.
- Build a home safety zone.
- Look for nonverbal signals.
- Understand the motivation behind the anger or tantrum.
- Make an opportunity for fun.
- Notice your child’s sensory sensations.
- Encourage positive talk and discussions