Eating Disorders Counselling & Therapist Adelaide

Eating Disorders Counselling & Therapist Adelaide South Australia
Happy Peeps Eating Disorders Counselling & Therapist Adelaide provides support to adults and children with eating disorders, a serious mental health disorder, and illness or psychological condition.
Practitioners support people who have eating disorders including, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and orthorexia Nervosa by helping them to cope and recover to optimum daily functioning.
What are the signs of an Eating Disorder?
• obsession with dieting by counting calories and skipping meals
• sudden weight loss
• obsession with body weight
• distorted body image (believing they look fat when clearly they are very thin)
• over-exercising
• large amounts of food going missing or being hidden in other rooms
• evidence of vomiting or laxative use (frequent trips to the toilet, especially after meal time)
• feeling fatigue all the time
• females having no menstrual period
Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa is the persistent restriction of energy intake, intense fear of gaining weight when often they are underweight, starved and malnourished and disturbance in self-perceived weight or shape. People may use food and weight to control areas of their life that they feel are out of control and use this as a way of expressing complex internalised emotions. They often lose a lot of weight in a short period of time and have disturbed body images of themselves and believe their appearance and look is overweight. People with eating disorders often restrict the amount and type of food and avoid carbohydrates and fats, count calories, skip meals and have obsessive rules and thinking about food. They may even undertake an excessive exercise routine on a regular basis even though they are not well. Some people restrict intake and other enter into binge eating and purging.
Binge Eating Disorder
The disorder is frequent episodes of binge eating and the consumption of large amounts of food in a short period of time, however they do not generally purge or vomit after eating but may not eat for a long period of time. Binge Eaters generally eat very quickly and often eat when they are not hungry and continue to eat when they are full. The often feel guilt or shame around the way the food has been eaten. This pattern of behaviour often occurs at times of anger, stress, boredom and distress and at times when trying to cope with challenging emotions. Binge eaters are often secretive about food and often hide food, take many of one time of food and choose to eat alone.
Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa is when people binge-eat by eating large amounts of food in a short period of time and then purge by taking laxatives or forcing themselves to vomit. They generally have a normal weight range however often have anxiety and depression and increased risks of self-harm and suicide.
Orthorexia Nervosa
This disorder is an obsession with pure and healthy eating and the person is so fixated on health eating they damage their own well-being by avoiding food they believe to be harmful. They are often obsessed with maintaining the perfect diet rather than ideal weight. Studies suggest orthorexia may be linked with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Eating Disorders Counselling & Therapist Adelaide
Aberfoyle Park Adelaide Airport Albert Park Alberton Aldinga Aldinga Beach Allenby Gardens Andrews Farm Angle Park Angle Vale Ascot Park Ashford Athelstone Athol Park Auldana Banksia Park Beaumont Bedford Park Belair Bellevue Heights Beulah Park Beverley Bibaringa Birkenhead Black Forest Blackwood Blair Athol Blakeview Blewitt Springs Bolivar Bowden Brahma Lodge Brighton Broadview Brompton Brooklyn Park Brown Hill Creek Buckland Park Burnside Burton Camden Park Campbelltown Cavan Chandlers Hill Cheltenham Cherry Gardens Christie Downs Christies Beach Clapham Clarence Gardens Clarence Park Clarendon Clearview Clovelly Park College Park Collinswood Colonel Light Gardens Coromandel East Coromandel Valley Cowandilla Crafers West Craigburn Farm Craigmore Croydon Croydon Park Cumberland Park Darlington Davoren Park Daw Park Dernancourt Devon Park Direk Dorset Vale Dover Gardens Dry Creek Dudley Park Dulwich Eastwood Eden Hills Edinburgh Edinburgh North Edwardstown Elizabeth Elizabeth Downs Elizabeth East Elizabeth Grove Elizabeth North Elizabeth Park Elizabeth South Elizabeth Vale Enfield Erindale Ethelton Evandale Evanston Evanston Gardens Evanston Park Evanston South Everard Park Exeter Fairview Park Felixstow Ferryden Park Findon Firle Fitzroy Flagstaff Hill Flinders Park Forestville Frewville Fulham Fulham Gardens Fullarton Gawler Gawler East Gawler South Gawler West Gepps Cross Gilberton Gilles Plains Gillman Glandore Glanville Glen Osmond Glenalta Glenelg Glenelg East Glenelg North Glenelg South Glengowrie Glenside Glenunga Globe Derby Park Glynde Golden Grove Goodwood Gould Creek Grange Green Fields Greenacres Greenwith Gulfview Heights Hackham Hackham West Hackney Hallett Cove Hampstead Gardens Happy Valley Hawthorn Hawthorndene Hazelwood Park Heathpool Hectorville Hendon Henley Beach Henley Beach South Highbury Highgate Hillbank Hillcrest Hillier Hilton Hindmarsh Holden Hill Hope Valley Houghton Hove Humbug Scrub Huntfield Heights Hyde Park Ingle Farm Ironbank Joslin Kangarilla Kensington Kensington Gardens Kensington Park Kent Town Keswick Keswick Terminal Kidman Park Kilburn Kilkenny Kings Park Kingston Park Kingswood Klemzig Kudla Kurralta Park Largs Bay Largs North Leabrook Leawood Gardens Linden Park Lockleys Lonsdale Lower Mitcham Lynton MacDonald Park Magill Malvern Manningham Mansfield Park Marden Marino Marion Marleston Marryatville Maslin Beach Mawson Lakes Maylands McLaren Flat McLaren Vale Medindie Medindie Gardens Melrose Park Mile End Mile End South Millswood Mitcham Mitchell Park Moana Modbury Modbury Heights Modbury North Morphett Vale Morphettville Mount Osmond Munno Para Munno Para Downs Munno Para West Myrtle Bank Nailsworth Netherby Netley Newton Noarlunga Centre Noarlunga Downs North Adelaide North Brighton North Haven North Plympton Northfield Northgate Norwood Novar Gardens O’Halloran Hill O’Sullivan Beach Oakden Oaklands Park Old Noarlunga Old Reynella One Tree Hill Onkaparinga Hills Osborne Ottoway Outer Harbor Ovingham Panorama Para Hills Para Hills West Para Vista Paradise Parafield Parafield Gardens Paralowie Park Holme Parkside Pasadena Payneham Payneham South Penfield Penfield Gardens Pennington Peterhead Plympton Plympton Park Pooraka Port Adelaide Port Noarlunga Port Noarlunga South Port Willunga Prospect Queenstown Redwood Park Regency Park Renown Park Reynella Reynella East Richmond Ridgehaven Ridleyton Rose Park Rosewater Rosslyn Park Rostrevor Royal Park Royston Park Salisbury Salisbury Downs Salisbury East Salisbury Heights Salisbury North Salisbury Park Salisbury Plain Salisbury South Sampson Flat Seacliff Seacliff Park Seacombe Gardens Seacombe Heights Seaford Seaford Heights Seaford Meadows Seaford Rise Seaton Seaview Downs Sefton Park Sellicks Beach Sellicks Hill Semaphore Semaphore Park Semaphore South Sheidow Park Skye Smithfield Smithfield Plains Somerton Park South Brighton South Plympton Springfield St Agnes St Georges St Kilda St Marys St Morris St Peters Stepney Stirling Stonyfell Sturt Surrey Downs Taperoo Tatachilla Tea Tree Gully Tennyson The Range Thebarton Thorngate Toorak Gardens Torrens Park Torrensville Tranmere Trinity Gardens Trott Park Tusmore Uleybury Underdale Unley Unley Park Upper Hermitage Upper Sturt Urrbrae Vale Park Valley View Virginia Vista Walkerville Walkley Heights Warradale Waterfall Gully Waterloo Corner Wattle Park Wayville Welland West Beach West Croydon West Hindmarsh West Lakes West Lakes Shore West Richmond Westbourne Park Whites Valley Willaston Willunga Willunga South Windsor Gardens Wingfield Woodcroft Woodville Woodville Gardens Woodville North Woodville Park Woodville South Woodville West Wynn Vale Yatala Vale Yattalunga

Acknowledgement to Country
Happy Peeps would like to acknowledge Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of this nation and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the Yuggera land on which we work and conduct our business. We value the cultures, identities and continuing spiritual connection to country, waters and seas, kin and community and the rich contribution to society. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and are committed to making a positive contribution to the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, by providing services that are welcoming, safe, culturally appropriate and inclusive.
Inclusive Practice
Happy Peeps is committed to embracing diversity and eliminating all forms of discrimination in the provision of mental health services. We welcome all people irrespective of ethnicity, lifestyle choice, faith, sexual orientation and gender identity.